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Namee: Charlynn
Birthdayy: June 04
Sex: Female
School: Singapore International School
This blogg is about my awesome life with my awesome friendss.Also about friendships. also check out my friend list! Myy rulee: Happiness+randomness+craziness=

hyperness. thought of this rule because of MISS JESSICA NIP.x Friends
areee justt tooo awesomee! My friends are CRAZY so what? The most important is that they're my friendss. xxxxxxx

shooting starr. x
❤Awesome friendss
❤good scores for examss.(GOT IT! KINDA)
❤great memories
❤ an ipod touch (GOT IT!)
❤a brand new cameraa- Sony T700

quotes comments quotes

❤ The Rhythm ❤

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009

Starx <3

x x
Sunday, May 31, 2009
MORNING~~slept so late and had to wake up so early--10 a.m. I KNOW I KNOW. its not early for youu but it is forr mee! ME A.K.A GREAT SLEEPER. XD I had to wake up early because i had to take picture for the performance thingy...the Jazz. sigh...went there so early. Stand there for like...more than an hour...god! And the air-con there wassss............frreeeezzzinggggg. ~~SHIVERING~~

AFTERNOON~~ Had lunch with my cousinn. Then went home for......sign.....STUPID HOMEWORK. Not a while i got hungryy. begged my mom to supermarket for someee FOOD. ;D YUM. 

Planning for evening: Go for dinner. To celebrate my birthdayy. 4 dayss awayy! OHH YEAHH BABY!! But when i think of my birthday...first thing i think off too is....EXAMS. They're stupidd! SUPER STUPID! I hate examss! BUT I believe that on the last day of exammss everyone will go CRAZY. XP I enjoy that the most in examss. NOW....REVISE....REVISE.....sigh sigh.....


I told youu, on your blog you were lyingg!! SIGH....NO ONE WILL BELIEVE GAH! TOO BADD. You're the PRO-EST of all. XP ALWAYS.!! 

HMMM....you owe me somethinggg. OUR PWETTY PICTUREESS. EXCLUDED ME. ;D
ME-----> UGLY. ;D


♥ Love is in the air♥

2:50 AM

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Okaay here goes my life on a random saturday. Nothing muchh todayy going on. Morning 11.15 a.m. piano lesson. So lazy, didnt wanna wake up, thats why i end up being latee. XD GREATT. Miss a little of piano. ;D Actually piano is not that bad...just that i get fraustrated(idk how to spell) because getting the notes wrongg. Take me ages to find the correct note. XD
Then after piano, went to buy some lunnch. MACDONALDS. FINISHED EATINGG. Went for computerr. Not a whilee, my cousin arrived. Then we went down to shop following by english lesson afterwards.
Most of the time in english class we were
playing..i should say THE WHOLE
time...hehe. being naughty okay okay i
know i knoww. ;D
After english lesson, went shopping again.

NO MORE FOR NOWW. xx. Twinklexstar

Missinggg happiness. D; ****

♥ Love is in the air♥

2:32 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009
This is freakkkinggg me outt. OMG OMG.....i can't image what i'll do if i drank the whole thingg! argh. Okay, the story starts like thiis......i was on my computer.....doing random stuff...then i saw this silverly greyey insect crawling on my wall, that already freaked me out. Another second it ended up in  my 7-up! I was dying of thirst then i just drank a little and saw thiss uglyy silverly greyey insect lying upside down in my 7-up. OKay. i bet that littlee so call...MONSTER wants me to get heart attack.........i bet so.....argh (sorry...sounds like exaggerating......but i m really really scared of INSECTS. THEY FREAK ME LIKE HELL.) 


♥ Love is in the air♥

4:43 AM

I wanna talk abbout my friend. Let just pretend that she is A. My best friend is B, and my good friend is C. And what i talk about is that those whoever 反面 with whoever. So...somehow B and C just 反面 with A. Not only them...some other people like their classmates....at first they were good friends but end up......fighting..kindaa. So now she felt a little lonely, so i suggested that she come and playy with mee. Well sorry but my life is boring XD. The most embarrass part A thinks is that seeing B and C. Today, canteen A was with us....and B and C just came sitting with us which they normally wont....(i thinkXP) And ME BEING FORGETFUL, when i am done with my food i just walked out with Sum, Jas and Haz, leaving A by herself with her...so call.....ENEMIES. SORRY ABOUT THAT. 

  I just hope that stuff goes better soon! 

twinklestarrx. (29 May)
~us=Me, jas, haz and sum~

At night, i called B. I wanted to ask her about A......and C...why they end up being enemies. I asked her if she actually hated A. I begged her untill she told me. She said that she never ever liked A. My heart was broken. Because before Me,A and B were like....super best friends. We hang out together...alwayys. But I just can't believe B never ever liked her. Well i kindaa know the reason. When three of us were together, everytime it was.....me talking with A while B walk behind us. Everytime A tries to get the most attention. When B talk to me A just somehow get it and just push B out of the conversation...talk about something that B doesnt know...

Then B told me somethingg about why everyone doesn't like A except those that doesnt know what happen and she also told me why C hated herrrr so dammn muchh. A actually always do wrong stuff and just aplogize when she doesnt even know what she actually did wrongg. And the reason why C hated herrr is because that A made C a nickname before and talks behind herr to C's other friends. At first C treated her as her good friend before A gave her her nickname...and C was so angry about this.....(people talking about herr behind her backk) that she hated A soooooo muchh...that i dont think she'll ever forgive herr. ( i meant foreverr) 

Before B told me this, i was still good friends with A...and were always on her side...bbut now after hearing thinggs about her. I m totally on my best friend's side and my good friend.  This is complicated....i m not sure if things will go back to how it was...i hope so...FRIENDS are really important...(at least it is to me)

xstarx (30 May)

♥ Love is in the air♥

2:01 AM

Thursday, May 28, 2009
The secret to my fabulous blog is........the help of Jess!! She is proo ;D I looked at my codes....i was freaking out....so damnn complicated....! I bet i'll never know how to makee thoseee stuffs. Anyway....thannks Jess. ;D 


♥ Love is in the air♥

6:35 AM

Today was greatt. Shopping with my mom. Bought so muchh stuff. Well kindaa. Bought Roxy shirts. For such a long time i've never drank my favourite drink:CHRYSANTHEMUM.!! itss soo nicee. I think its a little sweet for some people. But i love sweet. ;D

The rain wasn't that enjoyable while shoopping, but i was in the shop for most of the timee. GREAT day todayy. ;D


♥ Love is in the air♥

5:38 AM

Erm. Hi guyys.

I am new here. Not quite sure what to do. If i did something wrong please tell me. If  you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me ;D  Thankss.


♥ Love is in the air♥

4:55 AM