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Namee: Charlynn
Birthdayy: June 04
Sex: Female
School: Singapore International School
This blogg is about my awesome life with my awesome friendss.Also about friendships. also check out my friend list! Myy rulee: Happiness+randomness+craziness=

hyperness. thought of this rule because of MISS JESSICA NIP.x Friends
areee justt tooo awesomee! My friends are CRAZY so what? The most important is that they're my friendss. xxxxxxx

shooting starr. x
❤Awesome friendss
❤good scores for examss.(GOT IT! KINDA)
❤great memories
❤ an ipod touch (GOT IT!)
❤a brand new cameraa- Sony T700

quotes comments quotes

❤ The Rhythm ❤

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com


May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009

Starx <3

x x
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Scribble toxic rock like hell! Whoa. camp was awesome.! ;P It was so fun!(:
But the worst part about the camp is that you have to change all the time after kayaking, snorkeling... So lets just start with day 01.

~~Day 01~~
We reach school then they talk talk talk......afterwards we get to know which group we're in. Well, i was in the most awesome group- Scribble toxic. Though the name was a bit weird but we rocked(: In groups, we board the bus and head to PAK SHA WAN. Wait, is it? Ah. i dont remember a lot, o well. SO ITS KAYAKING TIME! UH HUH! (: Can't wait!! Its the first time for me to kayak! It was really tiring eh...Well, because i did everything wrong! ;P Oops! Actually, even if i did it correctly its tiring too. ;P BUT ITS WAS SO DAMN AWESOME! KAYAKING ROX!

After that tiring kayaking, we have lunch! YES! GREAT! STARVING LARH! But the lunch was vomiting. My chicken rice was disgusting! AWFUL! YUCK! && i obviously didnt finish it.

FINALLY, done with my lunch. Out to the sea again! Tiring tiring but awesome awesome! (: We learn to front paddle, back paddle, raft up etc...(sry if i spelled something wrong.) && ofcourse teamwork very importantly(:

Getting out of the water! Lets bring the kayaks up. Whoa. C'mon carrying the kayaks? Its killing! After the kayaking, who has energy to carry them up huh? Sheesh. FINE FINE. We'll work it out! -------------------------YAY! FINISH! Now its time to get out these wet and awful sea salty smell clothes && ofcourse out of that stupid wet shoes!! Its soaking wet and sand inside isn't disgusting argh! ;P

-------Changing-----lets skip this part nothing much to talk about-------------------------OKay done finally! SHOOT. No seat for changing my shoes damn! Gotta sit at the staircase....no choice..its not very dirty so its okay(: TIME TO GET TO high island reservior for our dorms! WOOTS!

------------ON BBUS...-------------- OUT OF THE BUS NOW! (: After that...im not quite sure....i dont remember what really happened...i think...we get to our dorms...choose our beds..then....shower....then....dinner? something like that i guess. ;P Dinner was quite nice, not as bad as today's lunch larh ofcourse(: Well, we have to be 'responsible'--wash our dishes...that wasnt hard larh just anyhow ;P -------------------All those stuff before bed time i dont really remember ooops!-----------------------BED TIME! Also mean its chatting and eatting time! My friends and i were pplaying true or dare and every time Daphy curse me of loosing! ): HEYAR. I think we got a little noisy that Mantita them had to tell on us and Ms Tan came checking on us. That time, we all went to bed, didnt wake up leh. SLEEP...-------

~~Day 02~~
Wake up at 5.30 AM. AHH. Too early larh. O well. We were all so energetic! Though we slept late, wake early. -----Brush teeth..------Get change with wet clothes which they haven't dry yet------- ((LETS JUST STOP HERE. IM TIRED OF WRITING SO MUCH. TELL YOU MORE TMR))

♥ Love is in the air♥

11:18 PM

Monday, August 10, 2009

Heyy, sorry guyys. I was being lazy lately. Haven't been blogging for more than 2 months...hehe(: So lets start from July...as much as i can remember hehe.

July <3 (its not in arrangement)(:
~I went to Malaysia again(: && to some kind of island called "Tioman" in Malaysia.It was great but there're still flies flying around while we're eating but its better than last year's island we've been to.(: yays. The plane to Tioman was horrible. The seat is so straight && veryyy noisy. ARGH. The first day in Tioman, swim swim swim, eat eat eat, rest rest rest, sleep sleep sleep. YAY. Done, thats my first day there ;P Second day, we went to llookkk at the corals and fishes. At first, i don't dare to even get down to the water. After a while, maybe i guess i can try it out. The coral are sooooooo beautiful(: But the fishes swim around youu, it seem so close though there are not, but every time i see the fishes i scream =P The third day andd the forth day is no different with the first dayy. (: So, im black when i'm back in Malaysia. heeh.

~30th of July. DADDY'S BIRTHDAYY!
Sadd that dad is in beijing): Too bad that we cannot celebrate together ): NVM. I'll get ready your present, get ready YOUR SURPRISE PRESENT i mean(: We'll celebrate together on 11th of Aug, when you're back in HK(: Well, i guess i can tell you guys what my present is, my dad doesn't know my blogg website anyway(: So.....i folded 520 stars for him, 520 means i <3>

~11th of Augst. DADDY BACKK!
YAYS. He is backk in HK! He asked me if i want to have lunch and shopping with him and his friend. Ofcourse, NO. Because IM NOT DONE WITH HIS PRESENT ahhhhhhhh.....I only got my chocolate machine yesterday! NO TIME LAAAH. ):

(: Thats all i can remember for now. hehe. sorry about that. BUT I DONT HAVE GOOD MEMORIES. haha


♥ Love is in the air♥

10:08 PM